home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;
- ; This is the database file for file types.
- ;
- ; Fields are separated by '|', and they are:
- ; type name | (t)ext/(b)inary | syntax marker class name | accepted file suffixes separated by commas
- ;
- ; An optional comment may be appended to a record line
- ; if it is preceded by ';'
- ;
- ; VERY IMPORTANT: the first listed file suffix must be the
- ; suffix of a template file for this file type
- ; located in the templates directory
- ; otherwise that template will not be detected
- ; example: The first text file suffix is 'txt'
- ; and there is a template file named:
- ; Templates/templates.txt
- ; therefore this file template will be used for new text files
- ;
- ; There must be at least one file suffix
- ; for each file type.
- ;
- ; File types without a defined syntax marker class
- ; (the class that defines the syntax coloring and styles)
- ; (meaning having a null marker field: ||)
- ; are not editable and will not be
- ; accepted by the text editor.
- ; To make a file type editable but with no syntax marker class,
- ; use "-" as below for the Text file type
- ;
- : Files must be identified as (t)ext/(b)inary so they
- ; can be correctly interpreted as text or binary files
- ; by the FTP service. Default is binary.
- ;
- ; P. Lutus 2-20-2002
- ;
- All|||*.*; this entry must remain for the option of listing all files
- Text|t|-|txt,text,doc,bat,log,tbd ; text files
- HTML|t|JArachTextArea.HTMLTokenMarker|html,htm,shtml,asp,stm,idc,htx,ssi,cfm,hts,css ; HTML files
- Graphic|b||gif,jpg,jpeg,png ; graphic files
- Java|t|JArachTextArea.JavaTokenMarker|java ; Java source files
- JavaScript|t|JArachTextArea.JavaScriptTokenMarker|js ; JavaScript source files
- Perl|t|JArachTextArea.PerlTokenMarker|pl,perl,pm ; Perl scripts
- C|t|JArachTextArea.CTokenMarker|c,h ; C source files
- C++|t|JArachTextArea.CCTokenMarker|cpp,cc,h ; C++ source files
- CGI|t|JArachTextArea.PerlTokenMarker|cgi ; CGI script files
- XML|t|JArachTextArea.XMLTokenMarker|xml;
- Python|t|JArachTextArea.PythonTokenMarker|python;
- PHP|t|JArachTextArea.PHPTokenMarker|php;
- RTF|T|-|rtf; RTF files
- Eiffel|t|JArachTextArea.EiffelTokenMarker|eiffel;
- Shell Script|t|JArachTextArea.ShellScriptTokenMarker|sh;
- SQL|t|JArachTextArea.SQLTokenMarker|sql;
- TSQL|t|JArachTextArea.TSQLTokenMarker|tsql;
- TeX|t|JArachTextArea.TeXTokenMarker|tex;
- Sound|b||mid,rmi,wav,ra,ram ; sound files